CAAN Communities, Alliances & Neworks, Saskatchewan, Canada
Margaret Kisikaw Piyesis
Kind Hearted Warrior Woman - Kisewatisowin Okihcitaskwew
CEO, Communities, Alliances & Networks
Cree Iskwew (woman) with direct ties to the Kisikaw Piyesis/Itittakoose Family from George Gordon First Nation and the Desnomie/McLeod Family from Peepeekisis First Nation, in Saskatchewan on the land now called Canada. Descendant of both the Moose clan and the Bear Clan, living as a traditional medicine practitioner, a knowledge keeper and baby catching bundle carrier.
Waniska (Awakened) to the ways of the ancestors, practising traditional ways of knowing, healing along the way, seeking pimâtisiwin (life) for all nations through Indigenous practices, language, ceremonies, culture and traditions, working as a Co-Creator for Kisi Manito (Great Mystery) honoring the ancestors along the way.
In the colonized world, she is a leader as the CEO of CAAN and celebrates 30+ years of responding to HIV, HCV and colonial impacts to Indigenous communities through culture, ceremony, humour, and Indigenous ways.
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Why is it critical to center equity, inclusion, and diversity in STI research?
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
10:05 – 10:20 CST
SP5.4 - Indigenous perspectives in sexual health
Thursday, July 27, 2023
11:05 – 11:25 CST