Central Clinical School, Monash University, Australia
Prof Zhang is currently the head of the Artificial Intelligence and Modelling in Epidemiology Program, at Central Clinical School, Monash University, Australia. Prof Zhang is a very experienced epidemiologist and health economist. He has rich cross-disciplinary research experience in mathematics, epidemiology, artificial intelligence and health economics. To date, he has published 266 publications, 181 of which are first/senior authored. He regularly publishes in leading journals (Lancet HIV, Lancet GH, Lancet ID, Lancet RH, Diabetes Care, Diabetologia, Genetics in Medicine, International Journal of Epidemiology and Journal of Infections). His papers have been cited more than 7500 times. He presented 45 times at national/international HIV/STI conferences and 28 invited talks. His H-index is 48.