Clinician Baylor Foundation Tanzania Mwanza, Tanzania
Background Adolescents living with HIV are a key population affected by HIV and they face unique challenges to successful long term management of their infection. Psychosocial interventions to support teens are common among clinics and organisations caring for ALHIV,however evidence for the impact of such programming on clinical outcomes is lacking.Baylor Center of excellence in Mwanza Tanzania conducts a Teen Club Program that has served over 500 adolescents over the past 5 years. The aim of this stuidy is to evaluate whether Teen Club improves medication adherence and clinical markers such as CD$ and viral load among ALHIV. Methods Retrospective chart review of teens (age13-18) with >3 clinic visits at Baylor Mwanza COE during 2022 was conducted using electronic medical records and Teen Club attendance records.Patients were classified as attending Teen Club if they attended >5 Teen Club Meeting January- December 2022.Data collected included age, sex, medication adherence,CD4, and VL. Clinical and adherence data were collected for the period May 2021 - april 2022. Adherence was measured as proportion of visits with good adherenece (pill count 95-105%). Most recent CD4 and VL results measured during the study period were recorded. Adherence, CD$ and VL outcomes were compared between those attending and not attending Teen Club using chi-square tests. Results Of 353 adolescents meeting inclusion criteria, 62%(218/353) attend teen club. Mean age was 15.2 years and 48%(168/353) of patients were female. The average proportion of visists with good adherence was 87% for the attendees and 86% for non attendees. 9% of those with results available (30/328) had CD$< 250 for both attendees and non attendees,18%(58) had CD4 of 250-499 for attendees and 17% for non attendees,and 73%(240) had CD4 >500. 77% of patients with results available (202/242) had VL< 1000. adherence, CD4 and VL were not different between those attending and not attending Teen Club ConclusionsMedication adherence and clinical markers were not different between those attending and not attending Teen Club. an ongoing study will use surveys and focus groups to measure additional outcomes quality of life and possible confounding patient factors such as ART regimen, caregiver status and level of education