Genitourinary Clinic, Mater Dei Hospital, Msida , Malta
Valletta, Malta
Dr Padovese is a dermatovenereologist with sound experience on skin and STIs in migrants/refugees and other vulnerable populations. In the early stage of her carrier, she collaborated with the National Institute for Health, Migration and Poverty (INMP) in Rome (Italy), a public institute which focusses on tropical medicine and migrants’ health. From 2003 to 2007, she worked in northern Ethiopia providing skin/STIs care to a population of over 4 million people. In 2008 she started working in emergency projects in a public hospital in Kabul, where she trained the local health professionals on management of burn injuries. In 2010 she was project coordinator of the emergency programme on migration in Lampedusa Island (Italy), welcoming and assessing thousands of migrants landing by boat in the island. In 2011 she led a project in Malta aimed at improving health conditions of asylum seekers living in the reception centres of the island. In 2013 she was the coordinator of a project in Djibouti on sexual and reproductive health, and the harmful practice of female genital mutilations. Since 2015 Dr Padovese has been appointed consultant at the Genito-Urinary (GU) Clinic at Mater Dei Hospital in Malta. She is senior lecturer at Malta University, principal investigator of WHO research projects on point-of-care-testing in group at risk, and coordinator of European funded projects SSKAPP and REACH-OUT. She is external advisor of the International Foundation for Dermatology on migration, STIs and HIV and European Sexual Medicine Network COST board member. Dr Padovese is the President of the upcoming IUSTI Europe Congress in Malta, 26-28 October 2023.
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PL3.2 - Refugee and migrant care
Wednesday, July 26, 2023
09:00 – 09:30 CST