O2.2 - Relationships and risk: A mixed-methods study of perceptions and management of STI/HIV risk among heterosexual-identifying men who have sex with both men and women
O2.5 - Mixed methods analysis of network structures, support exchanged, and communication patterns within the social networks of transgender women in Lima, Peru
Location: Chicago 10
Primary Presenter: Cherie S Blair, MD, PhD – Department of Medicine, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Division of Infectious Diseases, Los Angeles, CA, USA
Co-Author: Tijana Temelkovska, n/a – David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA
Behavioral & Social Science
Tuesday, Jul 25th
14:30 – 14:45 CST
O5.1 - PrEP Method Preferences and Anticipated Stigma Among Female, Male, and Transgender Sex Workers in India
Location: Chicago 9
Primary Presenter: Anne E. Fehrenbacher, PhD, MPH – Department of Population and Public Health Sciences, University of Southern California
Behavioral & Social Science
Tuesday, Jul 25th
15:00 – 15:15 CST
O6.3 - Self-reported adherence to event-driven doxycycline postexposure prophylaxis for sexually transmitted infection prevention among cisgender women
O6.5 - Discontinuation of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis and associated factors among Female Commercial Sex Workers attending the most at-risk population clinic, Mulago Hospital, Uganda
O10.4 - Using a candidacy framework to investigate barriers and facilitators of a tailored HIV prevention and community based sexual and reproductive health intervention rural South Africa